Thursday, December 17, 2009

The driving force

So why is it we do what we do? What drives us in our life today? I believe that the invisible force of internal drive, activated, is the most powerful thing in the world. I believe emotion is the force of life. All of us have great minds, right? All of us have an amazing ability to think, rationalize. We can make anything happen. A lot of the time, we work in our self-interest, but when emotion comes into it, the way we function changes. We can all think intellectually, but what is it that shapes our ability to do something beyond ourselves?
There's probably two master lessons- one is the science of achievement, where everything that we do has been mastered to an amazing extent, how to take the invisible and make it visible, to take what we're dreaming of and make it happen? Whether it be academics, contribution to society, business, money, whatever it is for us- our body, our family, our religious and spiritual beliefs. But the other lesson of life that is rarely mastered is the art of fulfillment. Because science is easy, we know the codes, the formulae. But when it comes to fulfillment, that's an art. And the reason is, it's about appreciation and it's about contribution.
There are two needs that all of us have. One is the need to grow- and the reason we grow is so we have something to give of value. And the other need we have is to contribute beyond ourselves- because we all know, corny as it may sound, the secret to living is giving. We all know, life's not about me, it's about we. It gives us a purpose, it brings excitement and it makes us feel significant and of value. Any significant contribution needs emotional strength and a dream for ourselves and others. So we need to explore ourselves, the needs, the beliefs, the emotions that are controlling us. Because there's more of us to give, and achieve too, we all want to do it. And secondly, we can appreciate- not just understand, but appreciate what's driving other people. It's the only way our world's going to change.

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